Only 5 Minutes a Day to Start Training your Dog!

To train any dog from a new puppy or adult dog the dog has to be motivated to want to learn. The most valuable resource to any dog is food! But food that the dog really really really likes. Not just kind of likes but really likes. Once you have that then every day for only 5 minutes a day, take half of what your dog eats and put it in a training pouch or something that you can have on you so its easy for you to get.

Go in a room with your dog where there is enough space for you and your dog to walk around. Pick up any distracting items so your dog just focuses on you. Now always re load your hand with a few pieces of your dogs food and start by tossing a piece of food away from your dog so he or she can chase after it. The moment your dog gets that one call your dog to come and back away from your dog so it causes that chasing motion towards you. The moment your dog gets to you say “good” and give a piece or two of kibble. Repeat that toss away but use a word before you toss is like “break” then toss the food away, then “come” when your dog gets to you say “good” and give some food.

Its is as simple as that! Repeat that about 5 to 10 times. What you are doing is creating engagement with your dog on you and at the same time teaching a send away or release “break” a come command “come” and a marker that your dog did what you asked by saying “good” before the food when your dog came running back to you.

  1. Say “break” and toss food away from you.
  2. Say “come” and back away from your dog, when dog gets to you say “good” and give some food.

Practice those fun and simple steps with your dog from as early as 8 weeks old and check back for here for the next steps of moving on to more exercises for your dog.